Islamic teachings teach us the difference between right and wrong. Islam, as a religion, guides us about every principle required to lead a happy, healthy, and prosperous life. The idea of Halal and Haram is deeply rooted in the religion Islam. Even in our diets Halal and Harm foods play a vital role.

Our religion tells us which food is Halal (permissible) for us and which food is Haram (Not permissible ) for us. All these foods are described in Islam clearly for the good of Muslims and their better health and lifestyle.

Let’s dig into finding out more to shed light on the principles behind Halal and Haram foods in a straightforward manner, making it easy for everyone to understand.


Halal is an Arabic word that means permitted or allowed. In Islamic dietary law, Halal food is the food item that is allowed to be consumed. Also, Halal food is not only about the food items that are allowed to eat but it also includes the correct process to slaughter animals that are allowed to be eaten in Islam.

Whereas Haram is the word that means not allowed. This includes those food items which are strictly prohibited in Islam. The teachings of Islam do not allow any Muslim to consume any sort of Haram foods. For example: Pork, alcohol, or other intoxicants.

The Holy Quran says : 

  • “O humanity! Eat from what is lawful and good on the earth and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. He is truly your sworn enemy.”  (Quran 2:168)


Halal food in Islam includes meat from different animals like Cows, Goats, Sheep, Bull, and Camel. It also includes nuts, eggs, and seafood as well. But there is a criteria to be followed to make sure that the food we are consuming is Halal or not. The following points must be kept.

  • The Halal meat must come from the lawful sources. In other words, the animals should be slaughtered according to Islamic principles. It must be alive before slaughtering. The person slaughtering must follow the Islamic conditions of slaughtering an animal. Only after following the complete procedure, the meat will be considered Halal.
  • While cooking the meat, the person who is cooking must ensure that the meat is cleaned and there is no blood on the meat. Any meat containing blood on it is not allowed to be eaten in Islam.
  • Pork is strictly not allowed in Islam. For Muslims, it is important to not eat Pork meat or any by-product of it. Any food item that includes any ingredient from pork is not allowed to be consumed.
  • Alcohol is also Haram in Islam. Muslims should double-check their food ingredients to be assured that no alcohol is added to the food they are consuming.
  • In addition to the method of slaughter, Halal emphasizes cleanliness and hygiene. To prevent contamination of Halal foods, it is essential to keep utensils, surfaces, and hands clean.


Halal certification indicates that a food product, its ingredients, and the process involved in its creation conform to Islamic dietary laws. Muslim consumers can use this certification to identify products that are permissible for consumption according to Islamic law. To ensure that food is genuinely Halal, certification is essential.

Moreover, Halal certification plays a major role in the countries where it is difficult to find Halal foods. It is an assurance by the credible organization that the food is Halal and according to Islamic dietary principles.

Halal-certified products usually have a logo on them which indicates that the food is Halal. Always look out for those logos on the food while looking for snacks or doing your grocery.


Food that is according to Islamic dietary laws and does not include any Haram ingredients is considered Halal Food.

  1. Halal Meat (chicken, beef, lamb, goat)
  2. Fish and Seafood
  3. Fruits and Vegetables
  4. Grains and Legumes (rice, wheat, barley, lentils)
  5. Dairy Products (milk, cheese, yogurt)
  6. Eggs
  7. Halal Snacks (nuts, seeds, dried fruits)
  8. Halal Beverages (water, milk, 100% fruit juices)
  9. Halal Sweets and Desserts
  10. Halal Condiments and Spices
  11. Halal Oils and Fats (olive oil, vegetable oil, sunflower oil)


In addition to understanding what is permissible, it is equally important to understand what is Haram. Following  are some key points:

  • As mentioned Pork comes on the top of Haram foods. Muslims should completely avoid Pork meat or any of its by-products.
  • Any meat obtained from animals not slaughtered according to Islamic principles is considered Haram. This includes meat from animals that died before slaughter, animals sacrificed in the name of someone other than Allah, or those not slaughtered by a Muslim.
  • Consumption of alcohol is forbidden in Islam. Muslims are not allowed to consume anything that can alter their mental state.


  1. All impure things, and things that come in contact with them (blood, urine, feces, intoxicants, etc.)
  2. Swine and all its components.
  3. Fish without scales.
  4. Reptiles.
  5. Most [predator] carnivores.
  6. Dead animals.


In conclusion, Islam has given us complete detailed guidance about the Halal and Haram food. Now it is the responsibility of the Muslims to make sure that the food they are consuming is Halal.

Even if you are eating at a restaurant it is your responsibility to ask the management if the food is Halal or not. Also, you can double-check the facts by asking for a Halal certificate or consulting community resources.