Hazrat Younus (AS) is a prophet in Islam whose name is several times mentioned in the Holy Quran.

According to Islamic tradition, Hazrat Yunus (AS) was a prophet of the ancient Israelites. In the Quran, Hazrat Younus (AS) is known for his unwavering faith in God and his willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of spreading the message of Islam.

The story of Hazrat Yunus (AS) is also mentioned in the Quranic Surah (Chapter) titled “SURAH YUNUS” (Jonah). The Chapter (SURAH) is the 10th chapter of the Holy Quran.


It’s important to note that the concept of miracles in Islam is different from the way they are understood in some other religious traditions. In Islam, miracles are seen as extraordinary events that are performed by prophets to demonstrate the power of God and to serve as signs of His presence and guidance.

In Islamic tradition, Hazrat Younus (AS) is known for performing several miracles to demonstrate the power of God and to spread the message of Islam.

One of the most well-known miracles attributed to Hazrat Yunus (AS) is the story of him being swallowed by a whale and then being spat out onto land after he prayed to God for help. This story is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Anbiya (Chapter 21).

Another miracle attributed to Hazrat Younus (AS) is that he was able to bring a dead man back to life through the power of God. This is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2).

Hazrat Younus (AS) is also known for his unwavering faith and trust in God, even in difficult circumstances. He is remembered as an example of perseverance and devotion to God.

In addition, the fact that Hazrat Yunus (AS) was able to successfully preach to the people of Nineveh and lead them to repentance is also seen as a significant achievement and a testament to his faith and the power of his message.


According to Islamic tradition, Hazrat Younus (AS) was a prophet who was sent to the ancient Israelites to guide them toward the worship of one God and to lead a righteous and virtuous life.

Hazrat Younus (AS) preached the message of Islam to the people of Nineveh, a city in ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq). However, the people of Nineveh rejected Hazrat Younus’ (AS) message and refused to repent and turn to God.

Frustrated and disappointed, Hazrat Yunus (AS) left the city and boarded a ship to escape. However, God caused a storm to arise at sea, and the ship was in danger of sinking.

The sailors on the ship, believing that the storm was a result of Hazrat Younus’ (AS) presence on board, threw him overboard. Hazrat Younus (AS) was then swallowed by a large fish or whale, and he remained inside the fish for three days and three nights.

During this time, Hazrat Yunus (AS) prayed to God for help and begged for forgiveness for his anger and frustration towards the people of Nineveh. God answered Hazrat Younus’ (AS) prayers, and the fish spat him out onto land.

Hazrat Younus (AS) then returned to the people of Nineveh and preached to them once again, and this time they accepted his message and turned to God in repentance.

The story of Hazrat Younus (AS) is mentioned in the Quran in the Surah (Chapter) and named after him, “Yunus” (Jonah).It is a reminder of the power of God and the importance of turning to Him in times of need and distress.

The story of Hazrat Yunus (AS) is also a reminder of the importance of perseverance and devotion to God, even in difficult circumstances.


The story of Hazrat Younus (AS) is a reminder of several important moral lessons. Some of the key moral lessons that can be drawn from the story of Hazrat Younus (AS) include:


The story of Hazrat Younus (AS) demonstrates the power of prayer and the importance of turning to God in times of need and distress. Hazrat Yunus (AS) prayed to God for help while he was inside the fish, and God answered his prayers and saved him.


The story of Hazrat Younus (AS) shows the importance of seeking forgiveness from God when we make mistakes or fail to follow His guidance. Hazrat Yunus (AS) sought forgiveness from God for his anger and frustration toward the people of Nineveh, and God accepted his repentance and saved him.


The story of Hazrat Younus (AS) is a reminder of the importance of persevering in the face of adversity and remaining steadfast in our faith and trust in God, even when things seem hopeless.

Hazrat Yunus (AS) did not give up, even when he was swallowed by a fish and faced certain death, and he ultimately achieved success and brought the people of Nineveh to repentance.


The story of Hazrat  Yunus (AS) reminds us of the importance of spreading the message of Islam and guiding others towards the worship of one God.

He preached the message of Islam to the people of Nineveh, and his efforts drew him closer to ALLAH (SWT).